I am writing this post in protest. As my co-writer informed me I have not posted for an exceedingly long time. Mostly because I have been trying desperately to avoid all things 40k for a while. Not because I am done with 40k but I am trying to keep myself interested.
As I finished my last squad, a group of Alpha Legion cultist conversions, I felt my interest in 40k waning. I just couldn't bring myself to pick up a paint brush. At the same time I received my last bits necessary to assemble my 2nd Emperor's Fist Tac squad. On one hand I was excited on the other I had no energy. I decided the best thing possible was a long vacation.
Enter Bioshock....
Never being an early adopter I decided to play Bioshock, mostly because it was only 20 dollars on steam. What a great game!!!! It was the first game in a long time that I found myself completely immersed. I find myself looking over my shoulder because of the great audio effects (lots and lots of creepy voices). I find myslef rushing in rooms mouselooking wildly becasue I am so nervous about being snuck up on. In addition to the immersion factor, the weapons and abilities have enough customization to have some RPG aspect to it. It has all the elements that I have never felt like it was a grind when I play, but am not running back home in the afternoons that I HAVE to play it (i.e. WOW, WAR, Portal).
As I come close in on beating the game I have felt the familiar siren song back to 40k, so hopefully my vacation mission was accomplished. I will let you know after this weekend after I tear some pathetic Nurgle army a new arsehole.