A personal blog about gaming, modeling, and other less than cool ways to spend your time.

Showing posts with label Imperial Fists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imperial Fists. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shoutouts and scolding

Check out my response from 3++ is the New Black on my email submission. I was curious to see what Kirby thought about my troop choices. He and Chumbalaya got together and called me an idiot....

Not really, they make good sound tactical advise. It is a reminder though of how much I resist conforming a list to the tides of the internets. I find that I am always make lists that buck the meta. I don't really like making excuses for it except that I am a underdog whore, or better yet a gaming hipster. In the end, if I take my army to a tournament I'll probably do exactly what they say.


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Just to kill some time, I decided to photoshop a banner for my imperial fist army.

Added bonus: I can post them here to in order to use them as Avatars on forums.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

something, something, something....Complete

Apparently all it takes is calling myself out on my own blog. I present to you, my completed Imperial Fist Army.


Friday, January 21, 2011

ONE MODEL!!! (or how I learned to stop worrying and snipe noobs)

I am one model.....ONE MODEL! from finishing up my Imperial Fists. Do I buckle down and complete it...no. Instead I take the crack that is COD Black Ops and proceed to get all kinds of addicted. I don't even really like the game, seriously I like Modern Warfare 2 better!

So I get to max level, because I like leveling things. I guess its the recovering WOW addict in me. Do I turn my attention back to my yellow army men? Meh, I'll find wager matches, or go hunt some zombies.

One droppod! It's almost completely painted!


OK to be honest I do want to also add a Techmarine and two Vindicators, but I would still be content if I stopped painting once I finished the droppod.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My Imperial Fist List: Aggressive Shooting

For the past year+ I have been focused mostly on painting my Imperial Fists. I play whenever I get a chance, but to be honest I have made more changes to my list than I have played games. Recently I think I have found a sweet spot. I have spent a lot of hours investigated how to improve on my current list, and right now I think it is pretty much pitch perfect. So I present to you my Aggressive Shooting Imperial Fist list:

Captain Marcus Decius Regulus (Lysander) 200
Command Squad w/ 210
4x Plasma Gun
Drop Pod
Ironclad Dreadnought 180
Seismic Hammer/Dread CC Weapon
Drop Pod w/Locator Beacon
Dreadnought 165
Multi-melta/Dread CC Weapon
Extra Armor
Drop Pod w/ Locator Beacon
Terminator Assault Squad 200
2nd Squad (Tactical) (10 Man) 250
Meltagun/Missle Launcher
Power Fist
Teleport Homer
6th Squad (Tactical) (10 Man) 285
Power Weapon/Meltabomb
Razorback w/ TL Las
Scout Squad (5 Man) 115
2xCombat Blade/1xSniper
Camo Cloaks
Land Speeder Typhoon 90
Land Speeder Typhoon 90
Land Speeder Storm 65

Total = 1850

[Interesting Note: Do you know how freaking hard it is to get text to line up after publishing a post.......damn you blogspot]

Generally the dreads get the aggro. They get in my opponents face with scary melta weapons and depending on the squad can engage and wreck some shop. Then I can focus on killing transports with the Typhoons, Tacticals, and the Razorback. The Terminators and Command Squad come in to lend their support in the middle of the field. The command squad can decimate an armored squad with the rapid firring plasma and the terminators wade into the battle to take out a squad or two. At this point I can focus on objective taking with the Tacticals and Scouts or if in a kill point game then focus on the easy kills (errant transports are a good one)

I'm still working on refining some of the ways I play the army. A good example was that I always deployed my Lysander with the terminators but I noticed my command squad was getting stalked and dying in CC. I now am experimenting with keeping my Lysander with the command squad to deter assaults or at the very least lock an assaulting unit for a while.

It is really hard to resist the urge to tweek and swap out units, but I think I need to really focusing on how to deploy, maneuver, and ultimately win battles.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Terminator Squad

"Give me a hundred Space Marines. Or failing that give me a thousand other troops."
+++Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists+++

The Scourge of The Vengeful Spirit

Led by Sergeant Volero Octavia Canus

Try as I might I couldn't escape the efficient killing power of the Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield Terminator Assault squad. There are few squads that can match its killing power and survivability and none at the super cheap 200 point cost. I'm still learning how to use them best. Generally they deep strike in, find something and kill it, but rarely move on to anything else. That is probably mostly because my sparring partner favors lots of cheap troop choices over deathstar units.

The are modeled with the Chapterhouse Studio's salamander shield that I have used before and the forge world shoulder pads. No big changes to the way that I painted them, but my one piece of advise is to keep the shield arm off till the last second. It masks the spray paint and forces some odd angles on the brushes.

I tried to individualize my model with a pseudo heraldry shield an crotch plate. Figured I would add some color.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Drop Pods and Objective Markers

Just a couple of quick pics. Here are my drop pods. I still have one more to paint up, but this is the basic scheme.

If I ever get around to adding weathering to my army these will be the first to get it. I guess regardless of how new the battle is if your drop pods are on the ground then they will be scorched.

Additionally, a pic of my objective markers. I always liked the marine casualties models. they were my first attempt to paint the white shoulder pads of the 1st company, good practice before my sternguard squad (which was painted later).


Sternguard Squad

"The deeds of one bold warrior can alter the course of a battle. I have four such men under my command, and our every deed changes the shape of the galaxy."

+++Sergeant Daegon Incursa, the Invaders 1st Company+++

Roma Irae (Rome's Wrath)

Led by Veteran Sergeant Minius Octavia Galeo

Simply stated: I fell in love with the MK III armor kit from forgeworld. What a great way to single out a squad as something special. I bought the kit almost immediately. At the time I was working with adding a sternguard squad to my list so it seemed like a natural fit. With such cheap combi-weapon options I figured I would use one of them, but I was not sure which. To keep my options open I went with Chapterhouse studios magnetizable combi-weapon kit.

It works pretty well, but be warned, the pieces are a tight fit. After painting they become even tougher to fit together. I also used the new Imperial Fists chapter shoulder bit, I had been using the older kit previously so this made them stand out even more. One thing that may be obvious to you is the chapter icon on the wrong shoulder. I had initially assembled them with the chapter icon on the left shoulder and the bulkier MK III shoulder on the right shoulder....it just didn't seem right. Just from the way they stand when aiming down their weapons the left shoulder needs to look bulkier or it just seems off. I swapped the shoulders with the thought that like the terminators the veteran squads would wear the chapter symbol on the other arm. OK not by the codex but whatever it still looks better.

I play them a couple of different ways. First as a sternguard squad I usually equip them with combi-meltas. They become a pretty typical firring line, able to lay down some effective fire with the special ammo. Usually Kraken for ranged and Vengance for some close in fighting. If placed correctly they become a threat to passing vehicles with a melta salvo. The Sgt has a bolter (so he can still use the special ammo) and a lightning claw. The claw is a little cheaper than a power fist, but for the point cost and the one-handed nature, better than a power weapon.

With my current list, though, I drop the Sgt and use them as a command squad. I had dropped my sternguard from my primary list for Terminators and was sad to not field the models. At the same time I started playing with a gunline style command squad. It seemed a natural fit. I equip them with plasma rifles, the combi-plasma becomes a counts-as but since they are not used anywhere else it works. The synergy with the apothecary is nice as he greatly increasing the survivability of rapid firring plasma rifles. They have a drop pod and they typically come in against high armor infantry. It works very well against recently deep struck terminators or a deathstar unit moving in to assault.

Getting close to being done with Imperial Fists!!!!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Land Speeder Storm Project Log

My Land Speeder Storm was added as a transport for my scouts. I like the vehicle because I find that it is very versatile:

-Cheap, fast moving multi-melta
-Fastest way to move a troop unit across the board
-Can outflank, with our without scouts
-Can deliver scouts fro an "Alpha Strike"

I particularly like the "Alpha Strike". If going first, you use you scout move to bring a scout squad within 12 inches of a scary vehicle. On first turn you disembark 2", Move 6", and then assault 6" to the vehicle. Since the vehicle hasn't moved, the attacks auto hit. Combined with a meltabomb or powerfist Sgt, and you have the capability of burning a land raider before the game really starts.

I decided to magnetize the models in the back, so when the troops disembark it shows on the model. While I was at it I decided to magnetize the weapon also. As with the other scouts they were all converted to have helmeted heads since I HATE the look of the bare headed scouts. All put together:

At this point let me say that this is one of my favorite models GW produces. It looks like a cross between a sports car and a pickup truck. Overall I just really like the lines, and they way the passengers look inside. Continuing on, without the passengers:

As you can see magnets were added in the passenger compartment. Magnets were added to the passengers as well:

All of the models were given a coat of Adeptus Battlegrey from the GW spray gun:

At this point I went to work on the passengers. Fortress Grey drybrush on all of the clothing (excluding the helmet), Iyanden Darksun basecoat on the shoulders. Chaos Black on the guns and boots:

Then the details on the models. 2-3 coats of Golden Yellow on the shoulder followed by a highlight of Sunburst Yellow. Shadow Grey for the Camo Splotches, then two dots of Chaos scattered around. Boltgun on the metal parts. A mix of 50/50 Red Gore/Codex Grey for the muted red visors. Viola:

I repeated the process on the two vehicle crew. I then went to work on the speeder. I with how to do the camo, pattern. In the end I looked at old woodland HMMWVs compared to the woodland camo patterns that troops wore. What I found was that vehicle patters tended to be larger, and less splotchy and more sweeps of color that wrapped around the vehicle. With that I went for broke and just started putting on color till I thought it was right. Shadow Grey and Fortress Grey was all that I used. I added a wash of Badab Black, a couple of muted red details, and the results are:

Like I said before, this is one of my favorite models in the GW line. I was very happy with the paint job as well. I find that if I put bother the scouts or the vehicle in some ruin terrain, it does the perfect job of blending right in.


Monday, November 15, 2010


Forget all your preconceptions of war, of battle-lines clashing in the churned ground. Your mission is to attack before the foe even realizes that the war has begun, to strike hard at those vital weaknesses that all armies possess, but that no commander will admit to.

Under my tutelage you will learn how to seek out such fragilities and smite them with every weapon at your disposal. Master these duties and I will have nothing more to teach, and you will truly be a Space Marine.
+++Sergeant Torias Telion+++

The 14th Induction Squad (Attached)

Lead by Sergeant Appius Salvia Seneca

This was my first deviation from the standard color scheme. I love the yellow of Imperial Fists, in my mind they walk into battle like knights, daring foes to strike against them. Scouts on the other hand, most definitely do not. I kept the shoulder pads yellow with the idea that they could be covered with the camo cloaks. This became a little problematic with the models that don't have the cloak, but either way I still like it.

The model is base coated with Adeptus Battlegrey, I actually got to use my GW spray gun. The model is then heavily drybrushed with fortress grey, it gives it a gritty, dirty feel. For the camo pattern I then paint my splotches with Shadow Grey and then give it the dots with Chaos Black. I don't know why but the two dots together just work. I picked it up from a GW article and I really liked it.

Tactically this is my cheap objective holder squad. The camo cloaks combined with a bolstered defense ruin (a la Lysander) means they have a 2+ invulnerable. They can assist with some shooting downrange, although I don't expect much out of the sniper rifles. The only problem that I have hound is they are pretty worthless stuck on their own, if they get charged they are done. I try and keep a counter charge unit around them to make sure they don't get wiped.

Next time a special treat, my WIP log of my Land Speeder Storm.



As you are a knight in service of the Emperor, so is the Rhino your steed. Honor it, respect it, see that its needs are met, and it shall serve you well through all the battles you must face

+++ Roboute Guilliman, quoted in the Apocrypha of Skaros +++

As would befit a full strength codex company, my squads all have Rhino transports. I went with the exposed vehicle commanders mostly because I like the look. It reminds me of the times I have interacted with US Army armor commanders.

I freehanded on the squad markings, well sorta. In order to get a the lines strait I used my India ink pen and a ruler.

Lastly, my drop pods. I still need a third to be dropping two on the first turn of the game. And of all the models in the GW line, this is by far the most annoying to paint. I like how detailed it is (especially for the price), but it is just a monster trying to get access to all the edges.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Captain Marcus Decius Regulus

A Captain leads from the front. By his example shall his men know what it is to be of the Adeptus Astartes, and from his teachings shall they learn the trade of battle in the Emperor's name.

No ordinary man can a Captain be, for many are the paths to victory and he must be master of them all. His every being shall be an extension of the Emperor's work. With every strike of his sword, with every

word of his speech, does he reaffirm the ideals of our honoured master. He will vanquish darkness and heresy with every thought, word, and deed. So shall his coming be a sign of deliverance to the dutiful, and a herald of dismay to all traitors. No living man shall stay his wrath.

+++ Roboute Guilliman, quoted in the Apocrypha of Skaros +++

(Space Marine Codex, 5th edition)

Captain Decius leads from the front...period. He is a Lysander counts-as. I spent a fair amount of time drilling out the bare head (since all of my marines wear their damn helmets). I liked him with my command squad, but I will most likely be letting him lead a group of assault terminators when I get up enough scratch to put that unit together. He is my favorite HQ option, I have put some librarians together, but I just have a tough time fielding the Fists without stubborn.

That finishes off my half company. I have some attachments and vehicles left to show, but I'll save those for the next couple of posts.


Dreadnought and Command Squad

Raise the flag high. Let those degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!
+++ Sgt Adar Geronan, Imperial Fists 4th Company +++
(Space Marine Codex, 5th edition)

Ironclad Dreadnought

Honored Brother Gaius Decius Avitus

I have had a love hate relationship with my dreadnought. First I tried to outfit him with two close combat weapons and do the slow walk across the field...he typically died. Then I tried to give him some shooting weapons and let him hang out backfield.....he was typically ignored. I tried benching him and found I really could have used him for some counter assault punch. After trial and error the basics that I have found is that he scares units away from a week flank, he is scary when he is unexpectedly close to you, but he will always be outmaneuvered. Currently he is part of a drop podding force I am working with. The double close combat weapons works well because there is an under-slung meltagun to use after dropping, but he still has two close combat weapons in case one gets blown off.

Modeling wise, this was my first magnetized model. I was very happy with the results. It allows me to switch out weapon kits at will, drop off arms based on damage results and also gives me the options to give him some interesting poses:

Command Squad


Another unit I have had a tough time with. Fundamentally, I love a command squad. The large weapon options are great and allow them to be anything: a hard hitting assault unit, a scary shooting force, or like mine a take all comers survivability force. Initially my command squad was a terror on the field. Wherever they were was just a dead zone, and if you got caught in CC with them you were just stuck. Unfortunately, they were the victim of a very easy solution... bolters. It didn't take long for my opponents (read: RC) to figure out that a 3+ invulnerable is still susceptible to massed fire. Currently, I have been switching them out for a drop podding plasma gun firing line. The apothecary its a big help on those rapid firing gets hot rolls.

The shields are a chapterhouse studios special. They are meant to look like dragon scales, and even had a dragon head near the viewing cutout (they were always Salamanders fans). I filed off the dragon head and painted the shield face black. I then used the scale lines as guides to give it a lightning pattern. I was pretty happy with it, and felt it matched my pattern for my power weapons.

Of all my models I am most prod of my company banner. While not golden daemon worthy, it is one of my best hand painting jobs.

For next time, the big guy.
