A personal blog about gaming, modeling, and other less than cool ways to spend your time.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Forget all your preconceptions of war, of battle-lines clashing in the churned ground. Your mission is to attack before the foe even realizes that the war has begun, to strike hard at those vital weaknesses that all armies possess, but that no commander will admit to.

Under my tutelage you will learn how to seek out such fragilities and smite them with every weapon at your disposal. Master these duties and I will have nothing more to teach, and you will truly be a Space Marine.
+++Sergeant Torias Telion+++

The 14th Induction Squad (Attached)

Lead by Sergeant Appius Salvia Seneca

This was my first deviation from the standard color scheme. I love the yellow of Imperial Fists, in my mind they walk into battle like knights, daring foes to strike against them. Scouts on the other hand, most definitely do not. I kept the shoulder pads yellow with the idea that they could be covered with the camo cloaks. This became a little problematic with the models that don't have the cloak, but either way I still like it.

The model is base coated with Adeptus Battlegrey, I actually got to use my GW spray gun. The model is then heavily drybrushed with fortress grey, it gives it a gritty, dirty feel. For the camo pattern I then paint my splotches with Shadow Grey and then give it the dots with Chaos Black. I don't know why but the two dots together just work. I picked it up from a GW article and I really liked it.

Tactically this is my cheap objective holder squad. The camo cloaks combined with a bolstered defense ruin (a la Lysander) means they have a 2+ invulnerable. They can assist with some shooting downrange, although I don't expect much out of the sniper rifles. The only problem that I have hound is they are pretty worthless stuck on their own, if they get charged they are done. I try and keep a counter charge unit around them to make sure they don't get wiped.

Next time a special treat, my WIP log of my Land Speeder Storm.


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