For the past year+ I have been focused mostly on painting my Imperial Fists. I play whenever I get a chance, but to be honest I have made more changes to my list than I have played games. Recently I think I have found a sweet spot. I have spent a lot of hours investigated how to improve on my current list, and right now I think it is pretty much pitch perfect. So I present to you my Aggressive Shooting Imperial Fist list:
Captain Marcus Decius Regulus (Lysander) 200
Command Squad w/ 210
4x Plasma Gun
Drop Pod
Ironclad Dreadnought 180
Seismic Hammer/Dread CC Weapon
Drop Pod w/Locator Beacon
Dreadnought 165
Multi-melta/Dread CC Weapon
Extra Armor
Drop Pod w/ Locator Beacon
Terminator Assault Squad 200
2nd Squad (Tactical) (10 Man) 250
Meltagun/Missle Launcher
Power Fist
Teleport Homer
6th Squad (Tactical) (10 Man) 285
6th Squad (Tactical) (10 Man) 285
Power Weapon/Meltabomb
Razorback w/ TL Las
Scout Squad (5 Man) 115
2xCombat Blade/1xSniper
Camo Cloaks
Land Speeder Typhoon 90
Land Speeder Typhoon 90
Land Speeder Storm 65
Total = 1850
[Interesting Note: Do you know how freaking hard it is to get text to line up after publishing a post.......damn you blogspot]
Generally the dreads get the aggro. They get in my opponents face with scary melta weapons and depending on the squad can engage and wreck some shop. Then I can focus on killing transports with the Typhoons, Tacticals, and the Razorback. The Terminators and Command Squad come in to lend their support in the middle of the field. The command squad can decimate an armored squad with the rapid firring plasma and the terminators wade into the battle to take out a squad or two. At this point I can focus on objective taking with the Tacticals and Scouts or if in a kill point game then focus on the easy kills (errant transports are a good one)
I'm still working on refining some of the ways I play the army. A good example was that I always deployed my Lysander with the terminators but I noticed my command squad was getting stalked and dying in CC. I now am experimenting with keeping my Lysander with the command squad to deter assaults or at the very least lock an assaulting unit for a while.
It is really hard to resist the urge to tweek and swap out units, but I think I need to really focusing on how to deploy, maneuver, and ultimately win battles.