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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Armies that make Me Hate 40k


These are the top five armies that, because of the fluff, I really don't like or plain hate

5 - Space Marines

Its not the idea of marines that I don't like, or even the history behind them. I just hate the chapter organization. Also, I don't really like the fact that what should be an army of supermen is really nerfed down to just a little above average guys so that the model count is right for buying an army. Read about Priad to find out what a marine is really supposed to be like.

4 - Tau

They just don't feel right. Generally I like the idea, a caste system society that is expanding by bringing bringing other races under the banner of a central semi-religious ideal "the greater good." But I think the whole concept about the greater good is weak. I would like to know a whole lot more about the "greater good" and what about it makes them so expansive. If I could reload this army I would have a very solid HQ choices being religious leaders, some very elite tau in their robotech suits, and a lot more other races as the basic troop choices.

3 - Dark Eldar

So we know the starting point of this army, normal eldar that didn't give a shit about those hoity-toity craftworld bitches (OK maybe looking back they might have had a valid point...). And we know where they end up, sado-masochistic slave trading pirates. But I am just unclear of how you draw the strait line between those points. How did they hold a society together when the rest of the eldar are so close to the brink? What do they do with all of the human cargo? It is easy to imagine what they would do with some, but the fluff suggests that they use slaves like currency. Also, how is it that they basically venerate Slaanesh in every way possible with their actions, yet still do not worship him? Maybe I haven't read enough about them, but I just feel like there are a lot of holes.

2 - Necrons

I get what they wanted to do, add undead to a futuristic universe. But I am not sure I really like what they did with this army. First of all I just don't by into the ideal of a basic human body type being the blueprint for an entire mechanical army. Not saying that it would have been easy to model, but I think they could have added a couple of extras limbs at least. Lastly the idea of playing alongside your demi-gods? By all accounts the C-tan are roughly the equivalent of the primarchs (close to the emperors strength but not quite), why would they ever be on the battlefield with some 1500 pt army, its a little bit of a reach for me. I like the whole Old Ones vs. Necrontyr concept but they have always shrouded that in enough mystery that there is just not enough to really draw me in.

1 - Chaos Demons

I despise this army. It is the biggest example of GW making a mockery of their own fluff to make some extra money. They stripped out demons in their very comfortable place in the Chaos Space Marine codex to "expand" their number of armies. Lets start with the obvious, where are we expecting these demons to have come from? They just randomly appear? good thing their just so happened to be another army there so they could fight. Why not include at least some cultists, or beastmen, or anything to summon them. Then to make matters worse, they made the codex such that to make a usable army you need to include two chaos god's units.........argh this army just makes me mad talking about it.



  1. 5-Marines are made boring on purpose the point being to create your own chapter and fluff. If you want more interesting marines follow space wolves or dark angels.
    4-Tau are stupid robotech rip offs, squats would have better.
    3-Dark eldar were poorly thought out but will be better if they get a 5th edition codex.
    2-Necrons again so out of date to count, as far as form goes the human form is a very versital form. As the gods go they are gods they can manifest anywhere anytime as they see fit and since necrons are the last armies of c'tan any battle would be of intrest to their gods.
    1-Chaos demons-When I play 40k I think I look at it like the part of the battle you are fielding is just the crucial point of the whole battle. So cultists could be summoning demons fighting imperial guard through the streets, while recently landed space marines are assualted by summoned demons. As playing one god goes Khorne is very good, slannesh will take almost any army with it's Int, Nurgle is a little gimmiky but with T6 demon prince and plague father with an army that gets more powerful as you play, Tzeen is lacking though 4+ saves and flamers are sweet.

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