A personal blog about gaming, modeling, and other less than cool ways to spend your time.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Join Us...

Well, my Nurgle army is pretty much done and as you can see it features a metric crap-tonne of zombies (70 models). I originally did not intend for this army to become a huge zombie host but Nurgle must've guided my thoughts and that's where I ended up.

It all started when Rix and I were driving back from a tourney a little over a month ago. I was starting to yearn for a more H2H army that I couldn't really get with my Dark Angel Battle Company. So Rix and I starting having a discussion about me starting my Nurgle Black Legion Army back up (it had been on hiatus for many years). We came up with a preliminary list and I got to work pulling my old models out and modeling new ones. At that time, the list featured a squad or two of lesser daemons but they were almost an afterthought.

As my modeling and painting went along, I finally got to the point where I needed to stand up those lesser daemon squads. I needed 21 daemons total and I only had 10 plague bearers in my bits-rumaging box. Now I'm not a big fan of metal models and I did not want to have to drop a bunch of money for 2 more boxes of plague bearers so I decided to use some zombies in a counts-as fashion from a left over zombie regiment box and old cadian squad box.

Now, I've never been much of a speed painter and I was always perplexed by how people stood up horde armies under any sort of timetable but these zombies sure enlightened me. In fact, I daresay I went a little overboard and was borderline addicted. You see, I gave myself a whole weekend to model and paint the 3 squads I needed for my army. After the first half of the first day I worked on them they were done. The sense of productivity I felt was intoxicating, so like any sort of drugged-up junkie I went and bought another box of zombies. Rix also supplied the habit with his leftovers from another zombie regiment box he had. At the end of this frenzy and 1 full days work I had another 7 squads of zombies bringing my total to 10 7-man squads.

Here's the results of my 1 month bender:

Full Army


Plague Marines and Transports

HQ's and Wound Counters

At some point along the way, I did the maths and figured out that I'd have to run a 2000 point list just to fit in all the zombies I wanted. So, that's exactly what I played against Rix when he next came over to my house. It was an objective based game and the details of the game may or may not be covered in a different post because I don't have the time to post them here. However, I will say Rix got donkey punched by the zombie horde. After playing and list-tailoring against my Dark Angels for so long, he simply didn't bring enough guns or bullets to deal with the endless tide of dead.

All-in-all, this army was a blast to paint and I'm sure I will have a lot of fun playing it more in the future. I learned a lot more about the usage and effects of washes but most importantly I learned how to turn out a horde quickly.

Next Project: Thousand Sons Strike Force or Finish the Cathedral Board

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